How to prepare for a psychic reading
If you’ve never had a psychic reading, how do you choose the right reader? And what should you do to prepare for a psychic reading? Below are great tips for choosing the perfect psychic and helping you know what to expect from a psychic reading. After you’ve read this article you can receive 1 free psychic readings from us–and you will know exactly how to prepare to have a successful and enlightening reading, as well as suggestions for what questions to ask.
To get the most from your free psychic reading, spend a few minutes before your reading clearing your mind and opening your heart to receive guidance. Here are some suggestions how:
How to get the most from your psychic reading
Write down each question that you want to ask. Then you will be at peace and relaxed before your reading, knowing you’ll remember them. Clear your mind to receive spiritual guidance and meditate.
Take some calming deep breaths before your reading. Go for a walk. Set positive intentions and focus on receiving clarity and healing from your psychic reading session.
What to ask about love and relationships
Love, family, and relationships are the most popular topic for a free physic reading over the phone. That’s because psychics have a naturally wonderful ability to see into peoples’ hearts and thoughts, and then provide guidance on how to create and improve loving relationships. You can ask your psychic:
- What does my current relationship future look like? Will I get my ex back? Is there someone new coming into my life? Have I met my soul mate yet?
- How can I help attract a new relationship into my life or improve my current relationship so that it becomes a committed relationship?
- Have I met my soul mate or twin flame yet? If not when will I meet him in this lifetime?
What to ask about career and finances
Another common topic explored in your free psychic reading by phone or chat is money, luck, career and finances. Psychics and numerologists are especially good at providing guidance for creating more abundance in your life and encouraging a healthy relationship with money. Here are some suggested questions to ask your psychic:
- Will find a new job soon? What kind of career will bring me the greatest personal fulfillment as well as stable financial future?
- Am I going to get that promotion or raise at work? Will I be financially secure in my investments? Will my small business be successful?
- What can I do right now to improve my cash flow? How can I attract money and more abundance into my life?
Prepare yourself ahead of time
Walking into a reading cold sometimes can be very easy for some people, but some preparation prior can be very beneficial for you and the advisor. Meditation in many ways can get your mind in a state of stability and open mindedness. Some might even want to say a prayer before their reading. It does not need to take a lot of time to do, but it will put you in a frame of mind that the psychic can tune into your vibrations easier because your are calm.
Also, start by thinking of the purpose of your reading such as is it for love, more money or a question about your career. Centering yourself physically whether it’s a in person reading or phone reading is an important part of getting an accurate one. The energy that the reader picks up at first will generally be what you were thinking about right before you have it done. If you are having an in person reading take five deep breaths before meeting your advisor.
On a phone reading, make sure you are in a quiet location where outside disturbances are at a minimum so you and the reader can both concentrate fully to get the most out of your reading. To get the most from a physic reading by phone, online chat or text chat, spend a few minutes before your reading clearing your mind and opening your heart to receive guidance.
Be sure to write down each question that you want to ask. This way you can be at peace and relaxed before your reading, knowing you’ll remember them. Clear your mind to receive spiritual guidance; Meditate. Go for a walk. Take some calming deep breaths before your reading.
Ask the psychic good questions
Making a list of good questions for your reader can be an important segment in getting a good reading too. If they are well prepared and specific to a certain topic, the reader can focus on that particular point during the reading. It puts a perspective on the subject that might have been overlooked in a general reading.
It will help both parties also get a better outcome. Psychics will never tell you what to do. They are here to provide guidance and wisdom through the readings to help improve the quality of our lives. The questions should be open ended and asked in a specific manner. An example one might be for the subject of finding your soulmate. Instead of asking, “Will I find my true soulmate?”, you might want to say, “What can I do or say to possibly attract better chances of finding my true love?”.
A career related question might be instead of asking, “Should I quit my current job?”, try asking, “What do I need to do if I stay at my current position to possibly get me promoted?” This helps the focus of the reading to be very narrow and give the best results for the guidance of the reader.
Take notes and listen carefully
Listening to your advisor is a crucial part to get the most out of your psychic reading. If you have trouble remembering what the advisor tells you about a specific topic, taking good notes will help reflecting back on it later for reference. Always keep an open mind to what the psychic will tell you. Different readers might use different types of tools, symbols or different types of Spirit Guide messages to relay your information to you. They may give you different options or suggestions to a particular topic that you did not anticipate.
Some readers will let you record the reading so you can reflect on the material at a later time. Many psychics will give you a mp3 version of the reading for an additional fee. If something does not make sense to you in the message or symbol they used, always as the psychic for clarification that makes sense to you.
Provide feedback about the reading and the advisor
Feedback is one of the best parts of getting a psychic reading for both the advisor and the client. If the reader is focusing too much on a particular area and it gets uncomfortable, just ask them to focus on another area or question that you want to ask them. This helps the reader to give you the best results possible for you and them. After your time has ended, take the time to thank your reader by leaving feeedback.
Go over any notes or any other questions or concerns you might have for the next time. This will help both your psychic and you to get prepared for the next reading. By taking an active role in your preparation for your reading, you will have a better overall experience by asking questions and taking notes.
Remember, the psychic reading or astrology reading is all about you, the client! Always remember to set positive intentions beforehand, focus on receiving clarity and healing, and enjoy your psychic reading experience!