Wherever you find yourself on this journey through life, from our homes to yours, we wish you a joyous and fulfilled Thanksgiving. Now more than ever, we can look around and see people in far worse shape than we are, and people in better shape.
Our hope is that we can cast aside those differences to band together for this wondrous planet, and all its people, great and small.
I truly believe that in these uncertain times, we are all in this together and it’s these relationships that will eventually turn this world around and we will begin to enjoy the abundance that we all deserve.
We here at Whispy.com are especially thankful for all the members of our community, and take special pride in participating in your journey of self discovery.
It is my sincere hope that you and your family have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving and holiday season. In the spirit of the season, I would like to express my gratitude to you for your continued support and friendship!
Please join me in my resolve to be thankful for the blessings that we share, and to commit to using those blessings to enhance the lives of others that are less fortunate than ourselves.
Please know that YOU are Blessed this Holiday Season.
In giving Thanks this week for what we have, let’s not forget to also extend a hand to those in need.
This year, consider creating thankful thoughts about the lists of to-do’s or the people you’ll see. Now could be a time to offer something of yourself you don’t in everyday life.
Take time before the hustle begins to actually set your intention for what energy you want to bring in the days ahead.
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” ~ John F. Kennedy
Our wish for you is to genuinely enjoy these special times and have a heart full of thankful abundance. We’re so grateful for you. Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving!
With Gratitude, Respect & Thanks!
Happy Thanksgiving,