Why yes, the constellations do only appear to us the way they do because of the angle from which we view them. Can you really trust the fires in the sky? We’ve followed them, down here, for how many millennia beyond counting, and where have they led us?
We’re fighting the same wars for the same reasons in the same languages we always have been – give or take a few technological, ideological and dialectic evolutions along the way. So yes: a challenge. Leave solid ground behind and find a new vantage point, to a place where the fires in the sky weave a pattern that makes more sense.
Even if you don’t find what you’re looking for, burn bright enough that those traveling behind you know how to follow. Be the example that sent you spiraling out into alien vistas in the first place. You can’t read the page if you’re printed on it.
All of us, walk backwards into the future from time to time, with our hearts and our hands and our eyes yearning always for the past. It’s not about how you hide from tomorrow, but how you turn and face it.