On this luminous stepping stone we are coming to understand there are no obstacles to knowing what we seek, only obscurations in the mind. We are able to know, without the necessity of thinking; the mind is both the journey and the destination. This radiant inner landscape of spirit can only be viewed through the lens of compassionate action.
It is silent and beyond feeling, though one must be adept in the wisdom gained by standing on those gleaming, sparkling stones of thought and emotion. The awareness of connection is revealed as the luminosity in one’s own mind. The word connection implies separation and we are finding our minds are edgeless and seamless with what many people call soul or spirit. We have never been separated so there is no need to become connected.
As we discover this radiant part of our mind, descriptive words cease and the idea of separation dissolves into pure awareness. We are a part of what we have been looking for, so there was no contrast by which we could discern it. Looking for boundaries, we see none. Looking for the source of spirit, we finally see true selves.
This luminous stepping stone offers insight and awareness. It is a mirage reflecting wisdom, yet not wisdom itself. We must return from our realizations to live in a material world that is marked by boundaries and separateness. The challenge is this; to see all realities as one reality. A luminous world framed by a material world, without boundaries.
There is a Zen Koan that states: “great understanding comes with great love..” It asks us to contemplate the question, “where are the boundaries between minds to be found?” As you sit in meditation or spiritual contemplation, enter the stillness of calm abiding. Visualize yourself sitting on the shores of Sky Lake, in peace and at-oneness. In your mind’s eye, see someone who is suffering. Now give up your seat!
THIS, is.. the spiritual element of connection.