Too busy to call? Text a psychic now! Need a fast, personal answer to a pressing question right this minute, but have no time or privacy to talk on the phone? Just have one quick question? Text a psychic instantly. Get an instant psychic text reading, live psychic messages sms sent easily and discretely to your mobile cell phone.

Fast psychic text readings with Lilly. Flat rate text psychic readings no per minute rate!

Psychic Text Readings

Psychic Text Reading (1 Question)


Psychic Text Reading (2 Questions)


Psychic Text Reading (3 questions)


Psychic Text Reading (4 questions)


Quick psychic text readings

Job interview coming up soon? Just met that perfect guy? Now when you need answers or advice at the drop of a hat–you can just text your question! No matter where you are and what circumstance you find yourself in, as long as you have a cell phone number, you can text a psychic anytime, day or night.

Psychic text readings - SMS psychic text reading chat - Text psychic readingEasy psychic texting, sms psychic reading

Text a psychic reader now for a psychic text reading on your mobile cell phone and get immediate sms psychic reading advice about love, money, family, or career. Get real-time, authentic, live psychic text readings any time of day or night!

Our text and sms psychic readings and tarot readings are available 24 hours a day sent directly to your mobile phone. When you text a psychic, you will be connected to a real text psychic who will give you a quick, concise, and honest answer to any question you ask.

If you’re one of many people who have an incredibly busy schedule, but also enjoy spiritual readings when you need on-the-spot clarity, an SMS psychic reading is something you should really consider.

SMS text messaging is a more convenient way to deliver psychic answers to you. Time is always of the essence. So is keeping within your budget! Psychic Text message readings are short, concise, and quite inexpensive.


  • Sms text psychic USA – 1 Question $34.99 psychic reading by text
  • No more waiting in a psychic reader’s phone queue
  • No more waiting for a pre-scheduled psychic texting to get psychic messages sms

How to use sms text psychic messaging to text a psychic

SMS psychic reading services are very quick and convenient. You don’t require a web browser on your phone. You don’t need a smart phone with email capability.

SMS texting is a function that every mobile phone has. So it’s easy to text a psychic right now. Simply, pay, text your question, and receive a reply within minutes!

Please Note: When you purchase a psychic text reading you may text me immediately at (719) 629-7123. If you text between 5 am and 5 pm ET you will receive an instant reply (within 15 minutes up to 3 hours–depending upon where I am at the time you text).

If you text between 5 pm ET and 5 am…you will likely not receive a reply until after 9 am ET the following day. But it’s possible!

Place your request for a psychic sms/text psychic reading below:

1.) Make Your Payment For Your Psychic Text Reading

We adhere to strong privacy policy standards and will never send unwanted text messages or advertisements to our customers’ mobile phones.

SMS Psychic Readings

Psychic Text Reading (1 Question)


Psychic Text Reading (2 Questions)


Psychic Text Reading (3 questions)


Psychic Text Reading (4 questions)


Psychic text numbers/psychic numbers for sms

2.) Once your payment is made please text me immediately at (719) 629-7123

All psychic text readings are for adults 18 years old or older. Any information presented in a session is not meant to replace any psychological, legal, medical, or other professional advice or services. The guidance and insight provided through my services is intended to help clients to make better life choices toward their own happiness and fulfillment, and that a client is always free to make their own choices at will, regardless of the interpretation of the information. I shall not be liable regarding any action or non-action taken by the client in reference to the information presented during the session. Services rendered are non-refundable.